Last chance to win a trip to Tulum!

This is your last chance to win a trip to Tulum and become famous! Join Eila Adams, Marina Valmont and 6 other hot content creators from CAM4 and Naked News in the Mexican Jungle! They will live a unique adventure that will be broadcast on SunBeach TV! We have two golden tickets… And one of them can be yours! 

How can you win a trip to Tulum?

In this paragraph, you will find all the information you need! First of all, it’s important that you have a complete or verified Tempted Profile! If you don’t have an account yet, click here to create one now!

After that:

  • Firstly, copy and paste the text that you will find below on Twitter or Instagram,
  • Secondly, add your picture or video. In the video, tell us briefly who you are, what you like most about bening a Temptation and above all… Why we should choose you!
  • Last but not least, modify the link you will find below by adding your Nickname.

This is the text you have to copy and paste on your Social Media Account:

Help me fly to Tulum with @temptedfans @cam4 and @nakednews!

LIKE, SHARE or COMMENT on this post!

#temptedbytulum #cam4bytulum #contentcreators

You don’t need anything else! You have until February 1, after which… The flight will leave without you! Hold on tight because the adventure is about to begin!

This is a unique opportunity!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: Take advantage of it! You will be able to fly to Mexico and live an incredible adventure that you will remember for the rest of your life. Don’t forget that this Reality Show will be watched by thousand of people! You will increase, your visibility… Moreover, you will be able to gain new Fans that will follow you during and after this amazing experience!

Remember that this contest is only available for female Temptations residing in Canada, US or LATAM. But check your inbox or your messages on Tempted! There are plenty of promotional opportunities we are constantly preparing for you! Don’t miss them!

Have a tempting day!

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