Tagged: Content Creator


Tempting Discovery: Hanna Orio

In a world where beauty and individuality intertwine, there are certain individuals who effortlessly stand out, captivating hearts and minds with their unique charm. One such captivating soul is Hanna Orio. She is a...

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Tempting Discovery: Taylor

Your favorite Romanian Temptation: Likes to paint, do yoga, relax after a long day… But most of all, she loves doing all these things together with you! We’re talking about Taylor: There’s so much...


Your 2022 Tempted Horoscope is here!

We know that 2021 has not been an easy year, but we have worked hard to make your experience on Tempted even more memorable. As you know, this year we’ve launched a lot of...


Tempting Discovery: Louise Bordeaux

Diamonds are often touted as a girl’s best friend, but for Louise Bordeaux, happiness thrives in video games and a joystick’s embrace. Nerdy girls like her possess a refreshing uniqueness in their pursuits, style,...