Tempting Discovery: Roxy O’Neill

Music, songs, musical instruments… These are the three elements that cannot be missing in her life! We are clearly talking about Roxy O’Neill! Some will remember her from her time at Naked News, but if not, you can get a chance to meet her on Tempted! Here’s a secret to winning her heart: A genuine and honest compliment will always be well appreciated! We asked her a few questions to get to know her better and it was really a pleasure to deal with such a friendly and helpful Temptation! We look forward to you getting to know Roxy as we did!

A few curiosities before we begin!

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Favorite movie/series: Favorite movie… The Room! Just kidding. Favorite series, probably either Seinfeld, Girls or Selling Sunset. Whoops… I guess I like reality TV!

Favorite book: Girl with a Pearl Earring! I love historical fiction. And I’m always seeking new recommendations.

Favorite hobby: Biking around the city. And trying the foods I find along the way.

Who is Roxy?

That’s a big question! I’m kind of an alternative artsy chick, I guess. I also try not to take myself or the world too seriously. No topic is off limits with me!

I love meeting new people, though I can be a little shy at times. I have a super dirty mind and I’m always curious to hear about what people are into – and, of course, why.

What do you like most about your career as a Content Creator?

Well, being my own boss is obviously great – I never did so well with bosses who weren’t me. I enjoy getting to express my sexuality in the way that feels most comfortable for me at the moment. Sometimes I’m sweet and shy, sometimes dry and satirical, other times I dress up as the ridiculous role play characters I wish I could be. I get to choose, and lucky for me, my amazing Fans are usually okay with my crazy ideas.

What is the Temptation Experience for you?

For me, the Temptation experience is all about connection. It’s about seeing the same people come to my Live Shows week after week, and developing a rapport with them. It’s about being able to joke around and be myself during lives, and also in private messages. And of course, it’s about coming up with creative new ways to express myself and engage my Fans.

What can tempt you more?

A genuine compliment goes a long way. Coupled with a sense of humour, it’s a goddamn miracle.

A funny or special story that you remember with a Fan

One time I had to reschedule a Live Show, and I let all my Fans know well in advance. Well, my longest standing Fan didn’t get the memo, and he stayed up for 3 hours waiting for me to start! At the end of the night I saw his messages and explained what happened. He was so angry at himself that he changed his name to Mr-Waits-A-Lot. Needless to say, he checked our messages much more thoroughly before my Live Shows after that debacle!

What do you like the most about Tempted?

I love how I can broadcast messages to all my Fans. I also love how my content is available all at once – you don’t need to scroll through some hard-to-find archives to access everything I’ve ever posted. More than anything, though, I love the supportive community we have. It really feels like everyone, from Fans to my fellow Temptations, has each other’s back. And that’s awesome.

Tell us a secret that your Fans don’t know yet!

Ooh… I feel like I’ve told my Fans about some of my most scandalous moments. But something they don’t know is that I used to run a little side business selling my favorite thongs to eager customers. It was fun while it lasted… maybe I should start that up again!

Finally, who would you love to do a Virtual Party Show with?

Ooh… so many people! But I feel like Louise and I have been talking about collaborating for a long time. She’s awesome, and I think we could have a funny and certainly nerdy VPS together. Stay tuned!

Surely what Roxy loves most about being a Temptation is being able to express her sensuality without limits… And we know her Fans really appreciate that! If you don’t know Roxy yet, run over to her Tempted Profile because she can’t wait to meet and chat with you! She will have no secrets from you!

Stay tuned for our new posts and… Have a tempting day!


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  1. Darrell J Collins says:


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